International students

Name: LAN Lan


Associate Professor, specializing in International Law, International Tax Law



1983–1987Jiangxi University of Finance,Bachelor of Economics

1988 -1990, ChinaUniversity of Political Science andLaw, LLB

2003 -2005ChinaUniversity of Political Science and Law,LLM


Professional Affiliation:

Member, Beijing International Law Association



1   LanLan et al, International Economic Law and Teaching Cases (Beijing, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 1999).

2 LanLan, “International Tax Convention: Resolve the International Double Taxation”,(2007) Tribune of Political Science and Law.

3    LanLan et al, Contract Law of China (Beijing, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2001).

4    LanLan et al, International Economic Law and Teaching Cases (Beijing, Intellectual Property Rights Press, 1999).

5    LanLan et al, International Economic Law (Beijing, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2001).

6    LanLan, “The Challenge of Cross-border E-commerce on the Principle of Permanent Establishment”, (2001) Journal of International Law.

7    LanLan, “Lecture of WTO” (2002) China Audit Newspaper.

9   LanLan et al, International Economic Law, revised(Beijing, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2003).

10  LanLan et al, International Financial Law (Beijing, China University of Political Science and Law Press, 2005).

11  LanLan, “E-commerce and Tax Jurisdiction Under the Economic Globalization”, (2005) Journal of International Law